dineshbakshi.com brings you high quality teaching resources for Business studies, Economics, Accounting and ICT. Specifically designed for GCSE, IGCSE, IB curriculum.
dineshbakshi.com brings you high quality teaching resources for Business studies, Economics, Accounting and ICT. Specifically designed for GCSE, IGCSE, IB curriculum.
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
Curriculum topics covered:
3.4.1 Justify marketing strategies appropriate to a given situation:
• Importance of different elements of the marketing mix in influencing consumer decisions in given circumstances
• Recommend and justify an appropriate marketing strategy in given circumstances
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in your browser. Its that simple!
A collection of 19 'Fill in the Blanks' worksheets specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies. An excellent revision resources. Saves a lot of time for teachers.
Answer Key is included in the file. The file is available in PDF version in a printable format.
BUNDLE consisting of 12 High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Suitable for A Level and IB Economics curriculum.
Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and animated diagrams.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser on smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT- MARKETING)
3.1 Marketing, competition and the customer
3.1.1 The role of marketing
3.1.2 Market changes
3.1.3 Concepts of niche marketing and mass marketing
3.1.4 How and why market segmentation is undertaken
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in your browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT- MARKETING)
3.2 Market Research
3.2.1 The role of market research and methods used:
• Market-orientated businesses (uses of market research information to a business)
• Primary research and secondary research (benefits and limitations of each)
• Methods of primary research, e.g. postal questionnaire, online survey, interviews, focus groups; the need for sampling
• Factors influencing the accuracy of market research data
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in your browser. Its that simple!
A bundle of 4 High-quality PowerPoint presentation (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies - curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
Curriculum topics covered: Operations Management Unit
1. Production of Goods and Services
2. Costs, Scale of Production and Break Even Analysis
3. Achieving Quality Production
4. Location Decisions
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources. The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - UNIT 4)
4.2 Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis
4.2.1 Identify and classify costs:
• Classifying costs – fixed, variable, average, total; use examples to illustrate these
• Use cost data to help make simple cost-based decisions, e.g. to stop production or continue
4.2.2 Economies and diseconomies of scale:
• The concepts of economies and diseconomies of scale; examples of both
4.2.3 Explain, interpret and use a simple break-even chart:
• The concept of break even
• Construct, complete or amend a simple break-even chart
• Interpret a given chart and use it to analyse a situation
• Use a chart to help make simple decisions, e.g. impact of higher price
• Understand the limitations of break-even charts
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
An ultimate collection of case studies and data response questions for Business Studies and Economics. These resources are most suitable for Edexcel, Cambridge IGCSE, O levels and IB curriculum. There are around 38 case studies/data resource questions specifically compiled for these curriculum.
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
Curriculum topics covered:
3.3.2 Price:
• Pricing methods: cost plus, competitive, penetration, skimming and promotional; their
benefits and limitations
• Recommend and justify an appropriate pricing method in given circumstances
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT- MARKETING)
3.4.3 The opportunities and problems of entering new markets abroad:
• Growth potential of new markets in other countries
• Problems of entering foreign markets, e.g. cultural differences and lack of knowledge
• Benefits and limitations of methods to overcome such problems, e.g. joint ventures
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
A bundle of 9 High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies - curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
Curriculum topics covered: Marketing Unit
1. Marketing, competition and the customer
2. Market research
3. Marketing mix- Product
4. Marketing Mix- Price
5. Marketing Mix- Promotion
6. Marketing Mix- Place
7. Marketing strategy
8. Legal control over Marketing
9. Entering new markets abroad
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT-MARKETING)
3.4.2 The nature and impact of legal controls related to marketing:
• Impact of legal controls on marketing strategy, e.g. misleading promotion, faulty and dangerous goods
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in your browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources. The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - UNIT 4)
4.4 Location decisions
4.4.1 The main factors influencing the location and relocation decisions of a business:
• Factors relevant to the location decision of manufacturing businesses and service businesses
• Factors that a business could consider when deciding which country to locate operations in
• The role of legal controls on location decisions
• Recommend and justify an appropriate location for a business in given circumstances
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
Presentation -Production of goods and services (IGCSE Business Studies)
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources. The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - UNIT 4)
4.1 Production of goods and services
4.1.1 The meaning of production:
• Managing resources effectively to produce goods and services
• Difference between production and productivity
• Benefits of increasing efficiency and how to increase it, e.g. increasing productivity by automation and technology, improved labour skills
• Why businesses hold inventories (stocks)
• Concept of lean production; how to achieve it, e.g. just-in-time inventory control and Kaizen; benefits of lean production
4.1.2 The main methods of production:
• Features, benefits, and limitations of job, batch, and flow production
• Recommend and justify an appropriate production method for a given situation
4.1.3 How technology has changed production methods, e.g. using computers in manufacturing and design
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation (18 Slides) in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources. The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - UNIT 4)
4.3 Achieving quality production
4.3.1 Why quality is important and how quality production might be achieved:
• What quality means; why it is important for all businesses
• Concept of quality control and how businesses implement quality control
• The concept of quality assurance
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT- MARKETING)
3.3.1 Marketing Mix Product:
• The costs and benefits of developing new products
• Brand image – impact on sales and customer loyalty
• The role of packaging
• The product life cycle: main stages and extension strategies; draw and interpret a product life cycle diagram
• How stages of the product lifecycle can influence marketing decisions, e.g. promotion
and pricing decisions
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in your browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
Curriculum topics covered:
3.3.3 Place – distribution channels:
• Advantages and disadvantages of different channels
• Recommend and justify an appropriate distribution channel in given circumstances
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in web browser. Its that simple!
High-quality PowerPoint presentation in HTML5 format. Specifically written for IGCSE Business Studies curriculum. Aesthetically designed presentation with relevant links to Youtube videos and online interactive quizzes/resources.
The presentation can run full screen in a web browser from smartphone or computer. NO NEED to install MS-PowerPoint.
A PDF version of the presentation is also provided to get a glimpse of the quality/content.
Curriculum topics covered: (UNIT-MARKETING)
3.3.4 Promotion:
• The aims of promotion
• Different forms of promotion and how they influence sales, e.g. advertising, sales promotion
• The importance of the marketing budget in making promotion decisions; need for cost effectiveness in spending the marketing budget
How to use
Download the file. It is in Zip format. Unzip it. Double Click on the index.html file and it will automatically run in the web browser. Its that simple!